With gear laid out, Jeremy begins setting anchors with chocks, camming devices, and other pro. |
Scott and Jim D. discuss forces and direction of pull. |
With anchors set, Jim D., Scott and Jeremy discuss the next step. Lindsay monitors the edge, and Jason K. observes the process. |
Matt prepares to descend to the subject. |
Scott approaches the bottom, reassuring Don as he passes close by. |
Matt is ready to go over the edge |
As Matt approaches Don, Scott watches while keeping an eye out for the litter. |
The litter gets safely guided down, to be maneuvered close to the subject. |
Up top, Jeremy (red helmet) and Jason W. review gear, while Iain, team leader (blue coat), reviews the raising and lowering system. |
Matt lowers Don to the ground as Scott stops moving the litter closer to act as a relay on the radio to control Matt and Don's descent. |
Matt and Scott align the litter with Don to facilitate transfering him into the litter. |
Don is successfully strapped into the litter. |
Up on top, Jason W., Nate and Aaron keep an eye on progress down below |
Matt and Don start being hauled up the cliff. |